Healer Ceremony
A healer ceremony takes place when a healer whelp earns the title of healer because their mentor approves of their work and knowledge. Healer apprenticeships tend to last much longer than a warrior apprenticeship, as there are many herbs, remedies, diseases, and injuries to learn to deal with. Once the healer is satisfied with their whelp’s knowledge, so long as there are not already two healers within the pack, a ceremony will be held at the next half-moon at the Sacred Ruins. Surrounded by the other Pack healers, these words are spoken by tradition:
Healer: I, (Healer Name), healer of (Pack), call upon my ancestors to look down on this whelp. They have trained hard to understand the intricacies of medicine and with your help, they will serve their Pack for many months. (Whelp), do you promise to uphold the ways of a healer, to stand apart from rivalry between Packs and to protect all canines equally, even at the cost of your life?
Whelp: I do.
Healer: Then by the powers of our ancestors, you are now a healer. Our ancestors honor your (virtues), and we welcome you as a full healer of (Pack).
The healer rests their muzzle on the whelp’s head, and they lick their mentor’s shoulder. The other healers call out their name and they then drink from the pool at the Sacred Ruins to be greeted by their ancestors.