POSTED ON Nov 13, 2021 10:05:09 GMT -5
Post by Zesha on Nov 13, 2021 10:05:09 GMT -5
Name Meaning: Could be from Hebrew and mean “God has supported” and/or from Arabic and mean “happy.”
Name Origin: Arabic/Hebrew/Berber
Nickname(s): N/A
Birth Date: March 13, 2020
Age: 22 months
Gender: Cisfemale (she/her)
Species/Breed: Dog/Siberian Husky
Pack: Heaven’s Peak Pack
Rank: Warrior
Physical Appearance
Saadia is a purebred Siberian Husky, a medium-sized working class dog. She has a classic black and white coat, with white surrounding her eyes and a small blaze running up to her forehead. The white is so thick above her eyes that it looks like she has eyebrows. These “eyebrows” sit atop two very pale blue eyes, said to look as cold as winter’s touch. Her thick, double coat keeps her warm in the cool mountainous region she lives in, her upright, triangular ears are always listening for trouble, and her black nose with the barely visible pink stripe down the middle is constantly sniffing out what dangers may lurk in the shadows.
Height: 22 inches
Weight: 40 lbs
Eyes: Pale icy blue
Coloration: black and white
Scars: None (yet)
Other: N/A
Alert – Always listening, both for natural dangers like bears and for traitors within the pack. She wants to be sure that nothing catches her off guard and that she can be of use to their leader, Ghost.
Confident – She’s quite confident in her abilities as a pack member, and of her ability to protect herself from anything that’s out there.
Loyal – Perhaps not entirely loyal to the pack, but she is loyal to a fault when it comes to their leader, Ghost. Anything they say, she will do.
Assertive – She’s not one to be pushed around, and she will assert herself even to those that are older than her.
Irreligious – She’s not too sure if she believes in this whole Ancestor thing, and she doesn’t really care if it’s true. She’s more interested in what’s happening now in the living world.
Proud – Saadia takes pride in what she does, whether it be taking down an elk to help feed the pack or chasing off a bear that got too close to the nursery.
Aggressive – Towards outsiders and towards those that refuse to respect her boundaries, she is aggressive and will snap easily.
Cold – It takes a lot for her to warm up to another canine, and though she tries to fake it at Gatherings, it’s pretty obvious she’s got a cold demeanor about her.
Disobedient – Unless Ghost themselves gives her an order, it’s very unlikely to get done. She does what she wants when she wants.
Traits: Alert, Confident, Loyal; Assertive, Irreligious, Proud; Aggressive, Cold, Disobedient.
General Style: Voice claim is Susan Eisenberg, the voice of Saadia from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Beliefs & Ideals
Sexuality: Pansexual
Religion: Apathetic towards it
Prejudices: Dislikes other packs
General Beliefs: Ghost is the best leader there is; cannibalism is perfectly fine
Lifestyle & Behavior
Residence: Heaven’s Peak
Favorite Haunts:
Hobbies: Being kind of a bitch
Habits: N/A
Maternal Grandmother: –
Maternal Grandfather: –
Maternal Aunts: –
Maternal Uncles: –
Mother: Meira
Pateral Grandmother: –
Paternal Grandfather: –
Paternal Aunts: –
Paternal Uncles: –
Father: Avisha
Siblings: Jacan (brother), Laban (brother), Elinor (sister), and Orah (sister)
Half-Siblings: –
Mate: –
Children: –
Grandchildren: –
Cousins: –
Nieces: –
Nephews: –
Saadia was born to Avisha (father) and Meira (mother), two purebred Siberian Huskies on a sled dog team. She had two brothers and two sisters: Jacan, Laban, Elinor, and Orah. As far as she knows, the rest of them went on to be sled dogs or other types of working dogs. They were all separated at around two months old.
She was given to a man that had a sled team, and she had been learning the ropes from the older dogs. Then around six months old, their owner, Joseph, decided to take them up to Heaven’s Peak Mountain to get her used to more dangerous environments. This wasn’t a good idea on his part; Saadia was often a rebellious little dog, ignoring his commands and wandering off. It wasn’t any different this time: she got out of her harness that night and wandered off into the snowy mountains.
A growl was the next thing she heard in the quiet, snow covered slopes. She looked all around and then finally realized that there was a white wolf standing only a few feet from her, their eyes bright red. Being a firebrand of a pup, she didn’t back down, even after seeing that this wolf was eating one of its own kind. Her reckless fearlessness seemed to impress the wolf, and she was taken back to Heaven’s Peak Pack where the leader at the time decided to allow her to become an apprentice and train.
She was still a pain in the ass little pup, and it became obvious to others in the pack that she had a crush on Ghost. It only seemed to get worse when the old leader died and they became the new leader. No one dared say it to Ghost themselves that Saadia had a crush on them, and whether they noticed or not is unclear. All anyone really knows is that if Ghost asks her to do something, she will drop everything to do it.
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